Saturday 23 December 2006

Christmas Period

Remember that when you are driving to your Christmas Break you could be listening to an educational, business or marketing CD on your journey.

But on that note please concentrate on your driving, anticipate the road ahead, and take plenty of rest breaks.

And by the way Happy Christmas and Goodwill to All Men (and Women)!

Wednesday 13 December 2006

Capture 41.6% of Your Web Site's Visitors? You Bet!

Just tried a new system to capture visitors to my web site. You know all those unique visitors who visit-but you have not got a clue who they are.

Well, my pilot study from a web site getting traffic from a newspaper ad, has got a 41.6% conversion rate. "What!", I hear you say, that's not possible. Well 41.6% of the traffic has completed the 'sign-in' form and I have their names and e-mail addresses to prove it.

It's so successful because it combines streaming video and audio to tackle all of the "suspects" [the name we call web viewers] senses. They can see, hear and read the message, which is asking them to look further.

So my 41.6% are now called prospects [they will only be clients when they buy something]. But for now I am just amazed with the response. So look at the service I used to achieve this conversion rates, just click here

Here, Alex Mandossian, Rick Raddatz, Armand Morin have produced a template driven system that allows you to add audio and video to your "squuze page" to boost returns. You also get an autoresponder, the ability to export the names and set up market surveys. There is even an exit survey to get feedback from those that don't sign. Better still why don't you see and hear Rick Raddatz (and his Wife) tell you all about it by clicking here.

So lets see you better 41.6% conversion. Well you just might becauae the team have set up a 50% club-for all those that get that level of conversion. Still it was only my first day!!.

Sunday 10 December 2006

Marketing via a Web Site

Just a quick note to remind everybody that Marketing on a Web Site is part of your overall marketing strategy. It's also not something to take lightly, it's not just a "brochure".

Having spent most of Friday with a sizable business, discussing their web site and services, I couldn't help thinking that they have been held up by the look, feel and content on their expensively updated web site.

In today's Internet World, if it isn't eye catching, eventful and not aimed at me the viewer, then I will just move to the next. Too many web sites say I, I, I, I....and Me, Me, Me, rather than You, the actual user.

The web site is for the user not the writer. If it is not interpreted through the eyes of the web viewer then it is not effective. It's no good going on about how good your products are 10 pages in, if the web viewer only looked at your Flash Intro and moved elsewhere whilst it was loading!

Any sale person will tell you, they effectively work for the customer. The sales professional needs to be the link, the conduit between the business and their clients. The same has to be true on your web site.

There are many many strategies to turn your web site into a lead generating machine but so few firms employ them. If this is your firms problem
mail me for ideas and help.

Friday 8 December 2006

And Let's Not Forget Red Tape!

Most people naturally loathe any form of Red Tape, but unfortunately it is a fact of life. But more so for the new business or expanding business.

As they say ignorance [of the law(s)] is no excuse.

So where do you start?

These days the number of governmental, local authority and quasi-governmental organisations you have to be aware of to avoid a fine [or tax as I like to call it] is frankly alarming. The number of "I'm here to help you" institutions is an absolute minefield to the uninitiated, let alone the reckless entrepreneur who has the idea to start or expand a business!!

So, the only route to realistically take is to comply as efficiently as you can. The alternative can only jeopardise your new enterprise with fines or even shutting you down.

The key areas in a logical sequence [for me anyway] are;

  • Legal organisational structure, including juristriction if some foreign dealings likely;
  • Notification of tax and national insurance offices;
  • Business Banking & Merchant Accounts [money laundering regulations has made this quite lengthy];
  • Data Protection Laws [especially if dealing with personal client information];
  • Legal Terms of sales, product claims/adverts/web site, employment contracts, partner/shareholder protection, trade marks/copyright/patent/trading name searches;
  • Import and/or Export Licenses applicable to your trade/product
  • Licensing Authorities relevant to your trade, profession, or such like[Joining fees, annual fees and application and assessment processes];
  • Other licensing requirements such as insurances, guarantees [as above];
  • Fire Safety regulations and approvals;
  • Liability, Employment and Product Insurances;
  • Premises, Planning Permissions, Insurances, Leases, Mortgages [if buying];
  • Security Issues, premises, area, alarm systems, employee's property and safety;
  • Local Business Taxes on property and usage if you alter the property;
  • Workplace Regulation for staff, workforce, visitors and the public;
  • Environmental Impacts from noise, process, heating, lighting, power [carbon taxes]!

Actually I'm starting to get depressed now as well!

This is only a brief list, as in your specific field there maybe even more to consider. The best course of action is to conduct a business research review at the earliest opportunity with an experienced Business Consultant, Business Adviser, or locally our Business Yorkshire Group

Together you will be able to cover all the steps needed to get you "flying".

Now all you have to do is get those sales!

Thursday 7 December 2006

Its Only Money- Yes YOUR Money

One of the main areas that can cause the new "start up" or the expanding business the most worry is finance. Finance for survival, for plant and equipment, software, office set up, franchise costs, working cash flows, wages and salary, licenses, agreements, legal work, accountancy work, tax work, etc etc. Its endless!

Every business needs capital (or simply cash) to start or expand. Just because your new sales will lag behind your set up/expansion costs and expenses. This transition between the money going out and the start of the money coming in, is the single biggest reason for failure. When the money runs out, so do your suppliers, staff and reputation.

So you have to plan, then plan then plan some more. Because most of us are convinced that our idea is the best, and no other person can do it so well. But you need to bounce this view off someone else, preferably someone who will give a valued opinioin based on knowledge and experience of your market.

Too many of the advisors out there have a "product" to sell, even the banks. So they may even encourage you-as it's only your money that will be lost. So my tip, find the bank who turns you down. Then ask why. You have to be able to accept a challenge to your ideas and ambition.

Find out all the reasons from the guys who turn you down. Then discuss those reasons with someone like me, someone older, and maybe wiser, and we can then start off the real plan! then we may have a much better idea of how to make things work and not risk your money.

But a word of caution, you will still get advisers who feel that your idea will work, they want to be your friend (for the moment). But you really need for people to turn you down to really learn what is needed. It's a lot harder to be rejected and a lot more pleasing to the ego to get accepted, but just remember its your money, home and family that is at stake.

New Business Venture - Comedy Script Publication

A new project has come my way, which is really a business start up with an unusual twist. Its the publication to the Web, CD and maybe DVD's of the life material of Dennis Berson, a comedy script writer who died in 2004.

His lifelong friend Tony Lawrence has collected and collated a huge volume of written and computer files which are stuffed full of jokes and "one liners".

See the link to the BBC Website reference in the UK

So lets not mourn to loss but celebrate the talent of Dennis Berson b. August 1947; d. 20th January 2004

Wednesday 6 December 2006

Business Start Up or Business Expansion

Welcome to my Blog about setting up or taking your business to the next level(s).

Although my topic is serious it is surprising just how many individuals, groups or organisations there are that just don't seem to make the time to check out "where they are going". They just work to cover the bills.

But history has proven many times that it is the individuals who can see the "Big picture" or just take a "step back" to plan on where they wish to go. My recent acquaintance,
Kevin McCarthy from Florida, publishes works on LEADERSHIP-the art of directing the organisation to a planned strategy for growth, expansion into new markets or just to survive.

I met Kevin on a course on Internet Marketing in Miami last weekend, as well as John Smith from IMC and Gordie Allen, who writes excellent material on the "dark arts" of direct selling-Gordie is about to publish his works to the web and I will post a link here when his site goes live.

Back here in the UK, I have been "Practicing" helping individuals and organisations to form and grow for the last 14 years, I have helped a great many firms, but mostly it boils down to strategic vision, implimentation and "selling", whether its to the bank to get funding, or playing golf with a possible client to build a relationship. All organiasations have to communicate with the outside world to survive and flourish.

Recently I have aligned with the
IBD Network in the UK and Europe, but also regionally here at Business Yorkshire they give me ready access to over 300 other specialists who have both the experience and skill to consult with organisations as mentors or business advisers.

My own business has several incarnations, mainly to do with
commercial financing, management strategies, start ups and internet marketing

Well that's just my intro, I will add many posting here about the good and bad signs to look out for with your own businesses. And remember, without direction from the head the body dies. Serious but the consequences and misery of insolvancy should not be taken lightly.