Just a quick note to remind everybody that Marketing on a Web Site is part of your overall marketing strategy. It's also not something to take lightly, it's not just a "brochure".
Having spent most of Friday with a sizable business, discussing their web site and services, I couldn't help thinking that they have been held up by the look, feel and content on their expensively updated web site.
In today's Internet World, if it isn't eye catching, eventful and not aimed at me the viewer, then I will just move to the next. Too many web sites say I, I, I, I....and Me, Me, Me, rather than You, the actual user.
The web site is for the user not the writer. If it is not interpreted through the eyes of the web viewer then it is not effective. It's no good going on about how good your products are 10 pages in, if the web viewer only looked at your Flash Intro and moved elsewhere whilst it was loading!
Any sale person will tell you, they effectively work for the customer. The sales professional needs to be the link, the conduit between the business and their clients. The same has to be true on your web site.
There are many many strategies to turn your web site into a lead generating machine but so few firms employ them. If this is your firms problem mail me for ideas and help.
1 comment:
Some excellent comments that will help any business, who really wants to get the most from the internet. Every year more and more people use the web as a sales or buying tool, who would have thought 3 or 4 years ago, that Ebay would sell a car online evry fe minutes, to buyers who have never even seen or driven the car.
Its here to stay and only those who embrase it will survive.
North East Business Networking
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